Who we are

Serena Giudicetti
Originally from Canton Grigioni, I studied at the Linguistic High School in Coira. After a study time in Zurich, I graduated in Italian Language and Philosophy at the University of Florence. In 1997 I started to teach Italian language and literature at the Bündner Lehrerseminar in Coira. Back in Ticino I have been teaching Italian language and linguistic integration in several schools of the Canton. At the same, time I have continued to freelance as translator into Italian from German, French and Portuguese for magazines, associations and institutions.

After the birth of my second child, I worked at Corriere del Ticino (a main newspaper) as proof reader, later as coordinator and journalist of a youth magazine, also in Ticino. Over the years I have been involved at social and cultural levels, starting and promoting various local initiatives and activities, cooperating with public and private institutions, such as the Association of Single-parenthood and Reconstituted Families, and the Office for the Support of Activities for Families and Youngsters, and SUPSI, the University of Canton Ticino.

In 2017 I have founded Studio SG, together with a former colleague at Corriere del Ticino. Beside my work as translator and proof reader, I was also active as Web redactor and coordinator for kibesuisse (Swiss Federation of Centres for Early Childhood) and member of the Swiss Federation of Single-parenthood Families (FSFM) and of Chiassoletteraria. Since 2023 I have been attending the Holden School in Turin with passion and I am a member of the Rotary Precotto San Michele in Milan.

Giacomo Mattia Schmitt
Born in Messina, Sicily, to German- and Italian-speaking Swiss parents, I now live in Coldrerio, Ticino. I am one of the proof readers for Corriere del Ticino. For more than twenty years I have also been working as professional freelance translator.
I have been an avid reader since infancy, attempting early on to write poetry. With great satisfaction I have been able to combine my literary interests with my working life. After three successful years at University studying Political Sciences, I took my first steps in the world of publishing, gathering precious experiences in proofreading and translation.
Over the years I have continued to cultivate my unquenched passion for writing. In 2010 a collection of my poems was published by Edizioni Ulivo, in Balerna, Ticino: Il fiore che non ti ho comprato.
Among my fixed commitments is the cooperation with the Mass Media Commission of CERT, for which I translate articles and texts for television and radio productions.